01 October 2010

A whole lot of song & dance

Virgin just launched a new :90 spot that sports a catchy tune, some sexy dance moves and not a whole lot more. Except, of course, if you count the tag line - "your airline either has it or it hasn't."

Have a look:

Virgin may be a cool airline, but this spot does nothing to reinforce the RTB or help convince those not already in the know.

Plus, "cool" is a nice to have, but airfare is too expensive to sell itself on cool factor. Unless the company's paying, that is.

First, let's address what an airline can "have" or "not have"? I'm no expert in this category, but I am a frequent enough traveler that I'd be willing to bet money that people choose an airline based on two things - first, are there flights available to and from the place I need to go from and get to and second, price. The only time most people make a conscious "decision" between two airlines is when more than one is able to equally satisfy those two requirements.

When I find myself in the aforementioned situation, I think about my experience on the two or three airlines that make the short list. My consideration process lasts about 60 seconds. I think first about whether I've had any horrendous experiences - cancellations, endless re-routing, hours on tarmac, rude customer service people, etc. Then I think about the comfort of the seat - how large, how much leg room. Then I consider the snack service - yup, no kidding - that $0.25 investment goes a long way. Airlines that don't even offer peanuts are far less appealing than others that roll out the snack tray and let you triple dip. Free headphones. Small individual bottles of water vs. the dreadful portioning system or worse yet, the water pitcher.

By the way, even if I'm NOT paying, I still go through the same process - I just skip the price comparison part.

The morale of the story is this: logistical things being equal, what separates one airline from another comes down to simple perks and little luxuries.

So, Virgin might be close when it suggests some airlines "have it" and others don't, but they seem to miss the "it" that matters.

Beautiful flight attendants and sexy stilettos won't quench my thirst or ease those nagging hunger pangs like a bag of Blue Terra chips, some almond biscotti and a liberal policy on handing out those cute little bottled waters that fit in my purse.

I'm left with no choice but to call all 90 seconds of this OFF STRATEGY.

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