08 November 2010

Song can be sticky.

Another day, another diet soda.

Make that another diet soda attempting to juggle consumer demand for zero calories whilst escaping the growing stigma of artificial sweeteners.

The latest growth strategy for soda brands involves targeting men, hoping to get them hooked on diet pop the way women have become over the past few decades. This, of course, brings complexity with product naming as men aren't quite so naturally inclined to buy something with the word 'DIET' plastered all over it.

What's a carbonated pop marketer to do? Give it another name. Like "Max".

That could work. Except, much as we detest its connotation, the word "diet" translates quickly to "calorie free" and anything else requires explanation.

Here's a funny, simple new spot from Pepsi to support 0 calorie Pepsi Max that leverages the long running Coke vs. Pepsi guy routine in a fresh and memorable way. What I like about this isn't so much the banter between Coke guy and Pepsi guy, cute as it is, but the lyrics that roll off Snoop's tounge at the end.

Leave it to Snoop to make a few words leave a lasting impression. "I'm up to my knees in zero calories."

Nice work. Snoop helps get this one ON STRATEGY.

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