01 September 2010

Is your product worthy?

New spots out from everybody's favorite brand, Apple. Check 'em out below, then read on:

Steve Jobs essentially works off one golden insight - consumers get bored easily; continue to give them new tech toys that look cool(er), do cool(er) stuff and make their owners feel cool(er) and more gratified via gadgety badge equity.

In these new spots, we see (literally) how the iPod touch and nano have been upgraded, thereby making them, and their soon-to-be owners, cooler and more connected in numerous ways. The music is upbeat, the colors are sharp, the products are hero and, most interestingly, the talent is cheap - because it's virtually absent.

Save for the faces on the iPod touch screens, we never see any live bodies, nor hear any words exchanged, nor watch any interaction between people - just hands and fingers interacting with the product, demonstrating how it does its thing.

This sort of execution begs the question, if Apple can tell a compelling story, simply using product demo and get people racing to the stores, why can't most others?

The answer is equal parts brand equity, clean advertising (that is, advertising that doesn't compromise or screw up the former) and just plain great product.

They say nothing kills a bad product like great advertising, but I say nothing kills a bad product like a bad product - and nothing sells a great product like advertising that doesn't need to sell.

Frankly, Apple does all its "selling" through word of mouth, buzz, and general "cool" factor. People will buy, use, talk about and envy others who have its latest and greatest. For Apple, traditional advertising (TV commercials) simply needs to acknowledge what happens out there in the world on its own.

Case in point here, ON STRATEGY all the way around. But, we can't all be Apple.

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