03 June 2010

No insight at the end of this rainbow

Sorry to pick on these guys again, but wtf?

Skittles obviously thinks this is a brilliant way to collect Facebook friends.


They're asking people to click the 'like' button, which registers a vote toward sending this sorry chap off to bowling school. 100,000 votes and he'll be on his way with a scholarship.


Allegedly because Skittles is all about making anything possible - even a scholarship to bowling college.

I'm squinting to see the logic here, but I'll stay with it.

First, when did Skittles move away from positioning around the rainbow of flavors? The only bit of that I see here is tacking on the words "taste the rainbow" at the end of the call to action. If they wanted to stay true to this, perhaps a better idea would have been an online coloring contest or other illustration of colors and flavors...but a bowling college scholarship?

Rainbows aside, I've got a broader fundamental complaint - far as I can tell, this is a blatant attempt to drum up a quick Facebook list with no engagement, no payoff, no promise in return. And, does this bowling wannabe even exist?

If they want to run the "anything's possible" route, they should be asking people to share their own dreams, then have a vote among an engaged community to decide which dream will be made possible.

This is just a big free data scam.

Follow this rainbow to the end and you won't find much. OFF STRATEGY.

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