10 June 2010

Yes, Yes & No.

Yes, the NBA playoffs are on.
Yes, Kobe is likely to get attention.
But, this has absolutely nothing to do with Vitamin Water.

And when I say nothing, I mean nothing.

Prime example of how advertising can't just live within culture; it needs to live relevantly within cultural context.

It's easy to spot a poser. And that's what we've got here.

This MIGHT, might have worked if the product had something to do with closing. Say, if it were one of those new relaxation beverages that puts you to sleep? Almost.

If you can afford him, leveraging Kobe right now is a fine idea, but it's incumbent upon the product to prove how it fits within his life. Really, that shouldn't be too hard since Gatorade has been doing it for years.

Unless this is an ad for Kobe, it's so far OFF STRATEGY it's in another hemisphere.

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