Take your awareness, persuasion, engagement and whatever other metrics you use to vet advertising and evaluate how capable it is and put them aside for a moment.
There's one thing that matters more than any of it. Relevance. Specifically, whether consumers find your brand and your product relevant. There's a functional level of this and then there's an emotional level. And the decision to mash, share, tweet, or otherwise give your message free exposure is a good litmus test.
The word's out. I LOVE the Old Spice work. And this takes my admiration to a new level.
Why? Because it's not slick. It's not advertising. The client didn't produce it. The client didn't approve it. The client never even saw it. If you were a client, would you approve this? Take a look:
This takes the inappropriate (alleged) Mel Gibson phone rants and mashes them up with the Old Spice guy. The OS guy is the cool, calm headed, suave one. Mel Gibson is portrayed as the crazy bastard that he is.
The fact that people want to make Mel Gibson look like an ass - no surprise.
The fact that people want to juxtapose Mel Gibson's lunacy with the Old Spice, fast becoming iconic, chiseled black dude from a commercial? A huge compliment.
Marketers can lay some good ground work in social media, but as far as I'm concerned, that's all they can do. From there, we must rely on consumers to carry the torch. In the new world, consumers are armed with the resources. They can be dangerous. Or they can do your brand a really big, free service.
Aim for the later.
ON STRATEGY. just is.
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