Here's an interesting selection for my first day back. This one's from Nissan; a brand I truly like. Not the advertising, necessarily; more a holistic sort of like. And the SHIFT mnemonic is smart too.
Their latest spot is what I call a 'near miss'. There's nothing wrong with it, but there's nothing right with it either. Sort of like being back from vacation. It happens.
This one features Lance Armstrong (OK) sending a message about an all-electric car with no tailpipe and no emissions (quite cool, actually).
That almost makes for a good story, but it misses and after it misses, it becomes suspect. Obviously Lance is a survivor. He had cancer, fought it and won. Is this spot suggesting auto emissions were the cause of his cancer? Perhaps it's possible. Perhaps it's true. But unless that's absolutely true, I think this is frightening in an unnecessary way.
They either need to make the point that Lance, like any other biker, just gets to enjoy a more comfortable ride behind cars - no smelly stuff, and yes it's good for the planet, or they need another path. This one's a long way around the barn just to leave us all wondering about Lance.
And the spot is supposed to be about an electric car.
If this is intended to go the green route, I think it misses there too.
I'll make a rare call here. This is neither ON or OFF STRATEGY, it's nearly both. Perhaps I'll make the NEAR MISS a new category.
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