22 July 2010

Stay true to your peeps. Your consumer, that is.

I like the Axe work. I like Old Spice more. And, yes, I realize Axe was cool first.

Now that we got that out of the way...

Here's an Axe spot that feels almost like a trailer for a chick flick; one of the sort men would refuse to go see.


I actually thought this was cute, but it's a little too.............. girly. Is the idea of destiny - missing it, meeting it, it's mere existence - is that a guy thing? Do guys care about destiny? Maybe when they hit 40 and realize they're still single, all their friends are married and they no longer have someone to sit on the couch and watch football with every Sunday. But between the ages of 18 and somewhere in the mid to late 30's area, most guys aren't looking to meet "the" one.

Put simply, the young male audience does not get Destiny.

Aside from a couple underwear shots, this seems to lack the hard-hitting young male appeal of most of their others, which really push the envelope. Even the music feels off with this one. It's too dramatic or too feminine or something.

I'd challenge the premise of this spot based on the above. Had I seen this on TV, rather than posted online and tagged as an "Axe commercial", I would have missed the brand reference entirely.

Make no mistake - this is not a commentary on the AXE campaign, just this particular spot, which feels, well, just a bit OFF STRATEGY.

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