17 May 2010

Beautiful insight and out

Intentional typo. Insight...inside, get it? Have a look and you will:


I had a tough time finding something worthwhile to blog about today. I hope that's just due to it being a Monday and not a sign of our industry's lack of creativity. So I pulled this spot from last week, which is both beautifully shot and driven by insight.

This hearkens a bit to the popular movie construct whereby several strangers concurrently have the same experience, each in his own walk through life. In this case, that experience has to do with getting someplace, guided by mobile GPS technology supplied by Nokia.

If the insight here wasn't that this thing works for all types of travel - from foot to bike to auto -well, then, it should have been. In either case, it nails it - intentionally or accidentally. That's what I get loud and clear, and for me at least, this is a solid perspective shifter for those of us who normally equate GPS direction technology with driving a car.

Nokia is obviously NOT the only brand with a product that can do this very thing, but it might be the only one to sell it on its ability to travel in your pocket so it's always ready to guide you, wherever you are and whatever method you travel...for walkers, Vespa riders and auto drivers alike.

ON STRATEGY with a side of global vista.

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