I love this.
Don't get me wrong. I realize why the outcome would easily enrage great creatives with glowing portfolios who can't get an interview despite their best efforts and are thus forced to survive on unemployment and the occasional freelance gig. Sorry.
Does it make the guy a better creative talent because he knows how to buy Google Ad words? Probably not, but it does make him more strategically inclined and digitally savvy than some.
And remember the guy who sent a shoe to Harvard to get one foot in the door? He probably wasn't more intelligent than the other applicants, but he was cunning and that counts.
Back to this. There's a nice little insight here - CCOs are self absorbed (or just curious what people are saying) and spend at least a few minutes every day googling their own name.
Copywriter dude wants interviews with these big cheeses who are too busy to look at his book so he buys Google Ad words for each of their names and gets himself a spot right up at the top of the search query; here he posts his plea and a link to his portfolio.
Mission accomplished. He gets interviews and lands a great job.
A fine lesson in the ability of creatively leveraged insight to sell a product. In this case, the product happened to be him. Sell thyself!
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